This image contains 2 interesting looking galaxies, approx. 30 million light years away from home in the constellation Canes Venatici (The Hunting Dogs).
One is also known as the Hockey Stick Galaxy and the other as Whale Galaxy. I’m sure you’ll see which is which!
– Sky-Wachter Equinox 120 Pro
– TS-Optics 1.0x Corrector
– ZWO ASI1600MM Pro
– Autoguiding: Sky-Watcher ED80 & ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
– iOptron CEM70 on Altair pier
– N.I.N.A.
– Cartes de Ciel
– Siril
– Seti Astrosuite
70 light subs, 300s each
25 sky flats
10 darks
25 dark bias